TEACHERS …. You must know it all !!

By Ramita Taneja

I recently read a WhatsApp forward by a lady on a group, made by parents of children of a particular class of a reputed school of Delhi.
One parent wrote a long message stating how the online classes had exposed the poor quality of teachers across the country. She stated that now since parents were able to see teachers on real time basis, it had shocked her when she noticed how the teachers communicated. She carefully pointed out some of the observations like the pronunciation was poor, they made spelling errors, they used harsh tone of voice and there was no warmth. She felt that the school had the audacity to charge such high fees and did not look at the value delivered in return.

The message was acknowledged and accepted by customary “Thumbs up”.

Let me try taking you on a ride “A day in the life of a teacher during Covid times”.

“She wakes up rather early now as there is no domestic help. She completes all the household chores and quickly rushes to get her child ready for his online school. Simultaneously she prepares the breakfast and lunch for the family, as she does not get enough time after school because the headmistress wants a daily meeting with the teachers after the classes get over.

After the meeting, her mind goes into planning mode for the preparation of dinner. Afterall, the sooner she winds it up, the more is the time in hand to prepare for the classes for the next day. She cooks the dinner, checks on her own child’s homework, washes the dishes, and sits down to do the most difficult task of her day that is: prepare a ppt. She has never done it in past, she is still learning sometimes it takes her more than 2 hours or even more to make one. The head mistress has instructed that since the children are bored at home, make your teaching innovative and interesting.

She is glued to her system most of the time! Every part of her body aches. She feels she has completed her days work and reclines to checks her phone. More than two dozen messages from parents asking, complaining, or advising. Some parents feel her voice was not clear while the other feel it her speech. Some feel she speaks too fast while the other said, if you keep the speed you are at you will never finish the syllabus”. One felt her pronunciation was incorrect while the other commented that the colour of the attire was loud and hurts the eye of her child. Someone suggested that she needs to keep smiling and keep patient while the other wrote she was too lenient with children.

Her other WhatsApp groups of family were sharing latest recipe. Her friends were planning an online game of Ludo next morning when the children would be at their classes and they would be free. Just then she realised that her own child was lacking attention from his mother.
She pops a pill for her headache and feels It is taking a toll on her health…. Alarm rings, its 4 am…Another day in the life of a teacher”.

The teachers are not counted and recognized like doctors or police or any of the frontline warriors. They silently go about doing their duties, unrecognised and unacknowledged. It can be very frustrating for a teacher when we parents don’t support their efforts to educate children and rather judge them constantly.

Have you, ever tried doing something when you know two or more set of eyes are constantly watching you…painting, cooking, for that matter even eating your own food. When one is under constant watch it is very humane to fumble. Teachers come from the same planet; they must also have a scope to err. This new concept of virtual world is just as alien to them as it is to most of us. These are difficult times for all of us but its these difficult times which teach us so much more, let’s all be students in this journey of life and help each other succeed.
I love you my teachers, please continue to bless me