Liberalization: A heavy responsibility


NOIDA (02/09/2022): I am a woman of today. I love my independence and freedom. I love my control over my life and am proudly self sufficient. I wear what I like and I live how I like. I am under no obligation to obey you and neither bound by the opinion of yours. To me, this is liberalization – Woman liberalization!!

This term however seem to be misinterpreted by a few :
Being vocal can be Liberalization, but not being verbally abusive. An abuse either physical, mental or verbal will be an abuse irrespective of the sex of the abuser.

In recent media stories, specific to our city, we have read about two types of women – one who has taken forward the battle of right over wrong, good over evil and fought with perseverance irrespective of the consequences and, on the other hand, about a complete contrast side of woman throwing her weight around confusing liberalization with venting frustration.

Liberalization comes with a heavy responsibility! One is, no doubt free from many dogmatic ideas or trends when ‘free’. But the expression of ‘free will’ needs to be used with discretion and maturity to understand the situation, and deal with a cool mind and conviction.

As a conscientious citizen there is definitely a need to speak up for an unreasonable issue or a cause where any civil right is being curtailed, and for the good of the community. However, using (rather misusing) liberty to bully or harass is in no way an expression of freedom. It smells of attention-seeking syndrome of an immature mind behind a put-on appearance.

The display of wealth and power by anyone can never be construed as prosperity and strength. Let liberalization be a boon !

Ramita Taneja
Mobile # 8447161870
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