WE ARE NOT IN THE SAME BOAT …No we are not !!

By Ramita Taneja

My two fingers on the same hand look so different.
My sister behaves so differently than me in similar situations.
The mango tree in my granny’s house gives different tasting same fruit.
Then how can the pain or no pain of two different people be the same , given the same situation ?
“Lockdown” A word …may have different effect on different people, depending upon the situation a person is.

To some, this lockdown must have come as a welcome change.. not welcome in terms of safety but in terms of respite. He who has been on a move, who needed this break to relax and reinvent. To him this period is just rejuvenation.

Whereas to another it is called Lockdown as it has restricted his movement. He does not like to be tied down, does not want to slow down. He loves his fast paced life.

To him, it is rebinding with family, spend valuable time connecting with some lost threads. He wants to reinvent his relationships, he wants to see his children around while to some, it’s a period of acute loneliness. He is left alone and isolated.

To you, it could be a peaceful time to sit on your terrace and have morning tea with chirping of birds and evening drink under the cover of stars. You are romantic but while to me it’s another day boredom without any thing substantial to do. I could be counting each morning as one more day to live and each night as another day over.

To some it may be me time to plan future.. the travels, the plans, the business where as to another it could be also planning, but planning of immediate expenses, bills, his insurances.

To one employee at home, it could be work from home and to another it could be the fear of staying now at home.

To some it’s a postponement of family function or event but to some it may be Cancellation altogether, may be even end of dreams.

It could be a period of cooking and eating awesomely healthy home made dishes for one and maybe boring to be with same routine and cuisine for another.

A businessman may be wanting to break rules and operate so as to feed his family whereas another maybe wanting to be safe than be conformable financially.

Some may be wanting to go back to work because they are running out of money whereas others want to kill those who break the quarantine and go back to work

Some criticize the government for the stringent rules while some want to get them strictly reinforced.

Students at home, some loving the always dreamt on line classes while some missing the routine and also bunking.

You may have experienced the near death of the virus, or have already lost someone from it, or are not sure if your loved ones are going to make it and there would be some who won’t even believe this is a big deal.

Some will develop faith in God and expect miracles, some may have already lost the faith, for them the worst has come.

Friends ! My experiences will be different from yours, but that does not make me any less a human.Our perceptions and needs are completely different, see beyond them see beyond needs,wants,religion, political party, ability to help, ability to lean.

Don’t judge me if I want to walk a 100 km with an ailing wife to reach to my village. Don’t judge me if I want to drive 1000 Kms to pick my son from college hostel, don’t judge me if I cross a state border to see my ailing parents.Dont feel my pain don’t underestimate it either.
Don’t be a judge !!

Be a co-passenger.

We may be in the same storm but not necessarily in the same boat.
After all, You never know If your ship can be shipwrecked and mine might not be.